Reference: INTRODUCTION Throughout history, Allah sent messengers to all peoples, showing them how to live a good life in this world and the next. We are told in the Qur'an that this is a wonderful grace and mercy for all believers:
These messengers were a grace to their communities, for they showed their people the right path, helped them leave the darkness of unbelief and enter into the light of belief, and proclaimed the commands of our Lord, Who created the universe from nothing. They told people that they could have contentment, peace, and security only by living a good religious life. However, Allah also reveals that "...most people have no faith" (Surat al-Ra‘d: 1). Thus, few people embraced faith and appreciated what a great mercy these messengers were for them. As revealed in the Qur'an, they sincerely desired that people should come to faith: "But most people, for all your eagerness, are not believers" (Surah Yusuf: 103). They called their people to truth so that they could receive blessings in both worlds and live good and happy lives. They asked no reward for this. Due to their sincere fear of and respect for Allah and their superior moral character, the messengers dedicated their honorable lives to this goal. All of the ensuing difficulties and trials only increased their faith and dedication. With Allah's help and support, they became examples of courage; with His permission, they always prevailed. Our Lord says:
In return for their devotion, faithfulness, patience, sincerity, and trust in Him, Allah imparted a sense of security and contentment to their hearts, gave them material and spiritual strength, and destroyed the unbelivers' traps: We will certainly help Our messengers and those who believe both in the life of this world and on the Day the witnesses appear. (Surah Ghafir: 51)
Allah tells us that He defended our Prophet (saas) against all of the unbelievers' traps:
We learn from several verses that Allah protected His messengers in every adversity and anxiety and from every trap. He increased His blessings upon them, provided an escape from every difficulty, increased their courage and strength, lightened their burdens, and strengthened their resolve by reminding them of His mercy. Our Lord supported some of His messengers by allowing them to perform miracles. These great blessings from Allah had a strong effect on people, strengthened the believers' resolve and faith, and caused many unbelievers to embrace Islam. The Miracles Granted to the Messengers
Allah enabled His messengers to perform miracles to protect them from the unbelievers' and the hypocrites' traps, to bring people to faith, and for other reasons. In the Qur'an He gives a detailed account of the messengers' lives, the miracles He sent to support their message, and the miracles He allowed them to perform. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saas) and Musa (as), Ibrahim (as) and ‘Isa (as) were all blessed messengers to whom Allah granted miracles. For example, the trap set for Ibrahim (as) was foiled by a miracle:
As a result, the unbelievers' trap was destroyed. We will now relate some other miracles. The miracles that ‘Isa (as) showed his people:
... as a messenger to the tribe of Israel, ‘Isa (as) saying: "I have brought you a sign from your Lord. I will create the shape of a bird out of clay for you, breathe into it, and it will be a bird, by Allah's permission. I will heal the blind and the leper, and bring the dead to life, by Allah's permission. I will tell you what you eat and what you store up in your homes. There is a sign for you in that if you are believers." (Surah Al ‘Imran: 49) Musa's (as) staff turned into a snake and swallowed those produced by Pharaoh's magicians:
Musa's (as) hand became as white as snow:
Musa (as) struck the sea with his staff and its waters parted:
The birds that Ibrahim (as) cut into pieces came back to him alive:
Yunus (as) was miraculously saved after being swallowed by a whale:
Zakariyya (as) was told he would have a child in his old age
Many other miracles are mentioned in the Qur'an, all of which happen by the will of Allah Who rules the universe and has infinite power. Every miracle happens at Allah's command and in the way He wills:
In Surat al-Ma'idah, it is reveaed that ‘Isa (as) performed miracles by Allah's permission:
All of the messengers were blessed individuals who submitted themselves to Allah. They had good moral characters and were examples to the world. Like everyone else, they were helpless and needy in Allah's sight. Allah, Who created the universe from nothing, has absolute power and governance over all things, both living and inanimate. The universe and all creatures in the heavens and on Earth belong to Him, for He, the Lord of the universe, created them all. Everything moves at His command and exists at His pleasure. Allah feeds all living creatures, provides them with many blessings, brings forth plants and creates their seasons, and brings darkness in the evening and makes the sun a brilliant light. He created all human beings who have ever lived and who are yet to live; all animate and inanimate things owe their existence to Him, and every creature needs Him. He has honored some individuals by choosing them to be His messengers. They also stand in need of Him, act at His command, and perform their miracles only by His will. We are told in Surat al-Anbiya' of Allah's infinite power:
This book informs the reader about some of the Prophet Muhammad's (saas) miracles. Allah made this blessed individual an example to all people due to his goodness and deep faith, and his every word and action. With Allah's permission, he performed miracles throughout his life, some of which were witnessed only by the Companions and others of which were seen by great numbers of unbelievers. An account of some of these miracles has come down to us in the Qur'an; we know of others through the hadiths and the various writings of Islamic scholars. We intend to show the miraculous aspects of this blessed person who was sent as a mercy to the world and to invite our readers to take the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas) as their guide. THE PROPHET’S (SAAS) MIRACLES As Allah says, He sent our Prophet (saas) as the last prophet to humanity: "… the Messenger of Allah and the Final Seal of the Prophets" (Surat al-Ahzab: 40). This blessed man delivered the final revelation and serves as humanity's role model because of his goodness, piety, and closeness to Allah. He is a friend of Allah, and the friend and advocate of believers. Allah tells us that He entrusted our Prophet (saas) with a great responsibility:
With his powerful faith in Allah, the Prophet (saas) carried out his responsibility perfectly by inviting humanity to follow the Way of Allah and serving as their guide. The Revelation of the Qur'an According to Islamic and historical texts, Allah bestowed prophethood upon Muhammad (saas) when he was forty years old. But even before that time, certain miraculous events took place. For example, his dreams came true. The hadiths say that these dreams lasted for about six months. The eminent Islamic scholar Imam al-Bukhari relates:
The hadiths tell us that when he turned forty, he would often go by himself to the Cave of Hira' (Ghar Hira) in Jabal al-Nur (the Mountain of Light), which was located about twelve kilometers from Mecca. During the Ramadan of his third annual retreat, Allah granted Muhammad (saas) the rank of prophet by sending Jibril to reveal some Qur'anic verses to him. The first revelation was given on August 10, 610 CE (Monday night, 21 Ramadan). This was certainly a wonderful grace from Allah. Our Prophet (saas) was blessed; he was an able, good, and a man of deep faith; had a degree of fear and respect toward Allah; and was worthy of this honor:
The fact that his dreams came true is one proof that our dear Prophet (saas) was chosen by Allah. Islamic scholars interpret this as meaning that Allah prepared him for this great responsibility while he slept. After these dreams, the Prophet (saas) received the first revelation and was entrusted with guiding humanity to the true path. He continued to do so, with great determination, until he died. The hadiths relate the miraculous events that occurred before he received the first revelation:
We are told in the Qur'an about his conversation with Jibril and the revelation of the Qur'an to him. It is revealed in Surat al-Najm that Jibril taught the Qur'an to the Prophet (saas):
We also learn of the wondrous events that occurred as Jibril transmitted the Qur'an to the Prophet (saas):
It is also stated in several other verses that Jibril, also called the "Purest Spirit" or the "Faithful Spirit," delivered the revelation:
There is a tradition that the revelations ceased for a while after the first verses had been revealed. The hadiths tell us that when the revelations resumed, the first verses he received were the opening verses of Surat al-Muddaththir. After that, the Prophet (saas) assumed his responsibility of proclaiming the revelation. Later, by a command from Allah, he told people to have faith only in Allah and not to make any creature His equal:
It is also said in Surat al-Shura 194 that revelations were placed in the Prophet's (saas) heart. In addition, Allah caused him to memorize the Qur'an: "We will cause you to recite so that you do not forget" (Surat al-A‘la: 6). His ability to memorize the Qur'an in this way was another one of his miracles. The verses of the Qur'an were rooted in the Prophet's (saas) heart, and he spent his whole life proclaiming them. In Surat al-A‘la 8, "We will ease you to the Easy Way," Allah announced that He is the Prophet's (saas) helper and will give him success. Allah tells us that He is the blessed mesenger's constant Helper: "It is Our duty to help the belivers" (Surat al-Rum: 47). He refreshed the Prophet's (saas) heart and created marvellous things in his mind and memory. He tells us that it is He Who enabled the Prophet (saas) to recite and remember all of its verses:
Clearly, Allah placed the Qur'an's verses in his memory in a special way:
With his love and lively faith in Allah, our Prophet (saas) willingly and wholeheartedly obeyed all of His commands. Allah made him powerful and gave him success, granted him many blessings, and made him special in both worlds.
What Happened While the Prophet (saas) Was Receiving Revelation Allah tells us that He told our Prophet (saas) to get up in the night and prepare to receive a revelation, a "weighty Word":
The hadiths inform us about how extraordinary it is to receive a revelation and of the marvellous spiritual things the Prophet (saas) experienced in his room. We learn that when the revelations came, those who were with him heard a sound like a bee buzzing around his face. Sahih al-Bukhari states: Aisha narrated: "Al-Harith ibn Hisham asked the Prophet (saas): 'How does the revelation come to you?' He replied: 'In all of that the angel comes to me, sometimes with a voice that resembles the sound of a ringing bell. When this state abandons me, I remember what the angel has said. This type of revelation is the hardest on me. Sometimes the angel comes to me in the shape of a man and talks to me, and I understand and remember what he says.'"3 Aisha narrated: "I saw the Prophet (saas) receive revelation on a very cold day and noticed the sweat dropping from his forehead."4 Zayd ibn Thabit narrated: "I wrote down Allah's revelations to the Prophet (saas). When the revelation came to him, he felt a great weariness and had beads of sweat like pearls. When the state of revelation ended, he recited and I would write."5 Abu Hurayrah narrated: "When the revelation came from Allah to the Prophet (saas), it was as if he had fainted."6 Our Prophet's (saas) greatest miracle is the Qur'an, which Allah revealed fourteen centuries ago as a guide for humanity and called everyone to obey to attain salvation:
Since that time, the Qur'an's language has been easily understandable by people of every era:
At the same time, its excellent and incomparable literary style, as well as the superior wisdom it contains, are definite proofs that it is the Divine word. Many other miraculous aspects also attest that it is the word of Allah. For example, some scientific facts could only be "discovered" with the aid of modern technology; but their essence was revealed in the Qur'an some 1,400 years ago. Since it was impossible to discover these facts scientifically when the Qur'an was being revealed, it is clear that the Qur'an is Allah's word to humanity. When the Qur'an was revealed in the seventh century, the Arabs had innumerable myths about what we would consider scientific matters. Lacking the technology to investigate the universe and the world of nature, they believed in myths and legends passed down from generation to generation. For example, they thought that the sky was held up by mountains: Earth was flat, and high mountains located on its two sides acted as columns supporting the vault of the heavens. All of these myths were eradicated with the coming of the Qur'an. For example, the verse reading "Allah is He Who raised up the heavens without any support…" (Surat al-Ra‘d: 2) invalidated that particular superstition. Important knowledge about this and many other matters unknown at that time are given in the Qur'an. When it was sent down, human beings knew very little about astronomy, physics and biology. And yet it contained important knowledge about the creation of the universe and human beings, the components of the atmosphere, and the balance in nature. (For a detailed discussion, see Harun Yahya, The Miracles of the Qur'an, Toronto: Al-Attique Publishers Inc., 2001)
Allah created the universe from nothing and knows all things. The Qur'an, which has a plain and clear style that everyone can understand, was revealed so that people would read and understand it, know the Creator, and know how to serve Him. Allah then elucidated the verses with numerous examples and stories, for "We have not omitted anything from the Book" (Surat al-An‘am: 38). The Qur'an is perfect and thus contains much detailed knowledge about both worlds, which it explains in wise terms: "We have sent down to you a Book containing your Reminder. So will you not use your intellect?" (Surat al-Anbiya': 10). One of the Qur'an's most important aspects is that its original text has remained intact since its revelation: "We have sent down the Reminder and We will preserve it" (Surat al-Hijr: 9). The scriptures revealed before the Qur'an were altered, for various people added, changed, or deleted certain parts. But when a revelation came to our Prophet (saas), Allah miraculously enabled him to memorize it. Immediately afterwards, it was written down by the "recorders of revelation." During Abu Bakr's (ra) reign, the Qur'an became one volume; during Uthman's (ra) reign, copies were made and sent to the major cities of the empire. The Qur'an Contains Advice For All Humanity The Qur'an is the last Divine book that was revealed to advise humanity; therefore, its decrees remain valid for all people, regardless of their particular time or location, until the Day of Judgment. The Qur'an shows human beings the right path and reminds them about certain things pertaining to their eternal life. For example:
The supreme wisdom it contains, the truth it reveals about the past and the future, and its style that dispels ignorance and unawareness make the Qur'an unique and without equal. Its miraculous character applies to all people who will ever live, and its validity began on the day it was revealed and will continue until the Day of Judgment. All people are responsible for serving Allah properly. This is possible only if they believe in Him sincerely and are guided by the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas). Allah reveals how wonderful the Qur'an is and how important it is to adopt it as one's guide:
Everything Has Been Explained in the Qur'an Allah explains clearly in the Qur'an what is right and wrong, allowed and forbidden. Therefore, it is an easy matter for believers who listen to the voice of their conscience and avoid the selfish promoting of their lower selves to find the truth. The Qur'an contains advice that is full of wisdom. Its wisdom and the goodness enjoined in its verses are clear. Sincere believers whom Allah has put on the right path can understand it without difficulty and implement its truths in their attitudes and ideas, for the Qur'an is "guidance for humanity, with clear signs containing guidance and discrimination" (Surat al-Baqarah: 185). However, only those who fear and respect Allah, abide by His decrees, submit to Him in their heart, and choose the next world to this one can consider its advice:
This is a major secret of the Qur'an. It does not take a high intellect, a broad culture, or any special ability to understand the Qur'an; it is only necessary to have sincerity. Allah reveals the truth to His sincere servants and brings them to salvation. The Qur'an has been sent to humanity, but is the way to the right path only for those who fear and respect Him and believe in the Last Day:
Given the above, we can see that the Qur'an contains advice for everyone and guides the observant and generous Muslims to the right path. As the great Islamic thinker Bediuzzaman Said Nursi said: "The All-Wise Qur'an is the leader to the aware and the conscious, the guide of jinn and men, the teacher of those attaining to perfection, and instructor of those seeking reality." 7 In order to bring humanity out of its darkness and into the light, Allah revealed the answer to every question to those who seek it in their conscience:
This is a manifestation of Allah's mercy toward His servants.
Moreover, Allah lets us know something about Him through the Qur'an. For example, He reveals that He created the universe from nothing, rich beyond need of any being, is beyond defect, knows everything, and sees and hears every secret. Besides this, He revealed why and how human beings were created; what kind of life will win His approval; the existence of the Day of Judgment, Paradise, and Hell; taught human beings how to pray and be good, how to be sound in body and spirit, and what to do in times of difficulty and unexpected situations; and described the various kinds of human character. But He has also revealed far more than just these things, for some verses point to scientific truths and knowledge as well as how to solve personal and social problems. In other words, the Qur'an contains all of the basic knowledge necessary for every moment of a person's life:
The Qur'an tells people to obey Allah's decrees absolutely, to take Him as their only friend and guardian, and that the only purpose of life is to win His approval and mercy and thereby reach Paradise. The only criterion for living is the Qur'an, and the only way to follow is the way of Prophet Muhammad (saas). Allah, Who was pleased to choose Islam as the religion for His servants, revealed the Qur'an as a guide to which they could refer and made the life of our Prophet (saas) an example for them. All other paths are errant and false, based only on myths, heresy, and opinion. Therefore, people can hope for a reward from Allah only if they take the Qur'an and the Prophet's (saas) Sunnah as their measure of judgment, obey Allah's commands fully by always doing good works to win His approval, and take the Prophet's (saas) moral character as their example. As revealed in the Qur'an, Allah's words are "perfect" and people can only reach the truth by following the Qur'an and the Prophet's (saas) Sunnah, for:
The Qur'an's Literary Excellence
In spite of the fact that it has an easily understandable style, it cannot be compared in any way with another book. This is one of Allah's great miracles. Those who doubted, in spite of clear proofs, slandered the Prophet (saas), and so Allah revealed:
Even though noone could ever achieve this, the unbelievers could mistakenly consider it an easy matter. In Arabia, poetry and literature were highly developed; there were poets and fluent and eloquent individuals who used Arabic very well. As Bediuzzaman Said Nursi said, a tribe's literary people were considered the people's greatest heroes. Given the importance they placed on literature and rhetoric, the Mu'allaqat (seven odes written by seven poets) were suspended in gold letters on the walls of the Ka`bah. 8 Some of them were recited to the people on great occasions, such as the trade fair at Ukaz. Even the Bedouins could recite poetry that was just as good as any composed by the urban poets. Whether their poems were metrical or composed in a free style, the people were moved.9 So, at a time when eloquence and style were well developed, Allah revealed the Qur'an to our Prophet (saas). It was not long before these literary individuals, even though their inner arrogance and conceit made them persist in their rebelliousness, noticed that the Qur'an was, in literary terms, a miracle. The Qur'an includes incidents that are means of guidance for people, allows people to recognize their own lower selves, gives information about the past and the future. Its richness is infinite and incomparable. In fact, this miracle is so great that Allah told the Prophet (saas) to proclaim to those who were too arrogant to listen to it:
Unbelievers remain weak and powerless in relation to the Qur'an's excellence. No one has ever produced anything like it, and no one ever will. All the unbelievers' traps and ruses designed to discredit the Prophet (saas) and prevent him from delivering his message were, as a blessing from Allah, rendered ineffective. From the literary point of view, with the Qur'an, our Prophet (saas) gave the wisest response to his people's powerful and elaborate rhetoric, to their most famous poets and finest orators. Besides this, he proved himself superior to all literary people. No doubt this was one of the effects of the Qur'an's incomparable literary quality and wisdom. In response to the verses that the Prophet (saas) recited, the Meccan polytheists were amazed. But in spite of their own certainty about them, some of them rebelled because of their pride:
The great scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi interprets these verses in this way: When the Qur'an came, it challenged at the same time the experts in these four fields. First, it made the people of eloquence bow down before it. They all listened to it with amazement. Second, it stunned the poets and orators so that they bit their fingers in astonishment. Their most beautiful poems written in gold were given a blow, and the famous Seven Poems that were placed on the walls of the Ka`bah as an object of pride were brought down. Third, it also silenced the soothsayers and magicians, made them forget about their discoveries of hidden knowledge, resulted in the expulsion of the jinn from the heavens, and brought the process of divination to a certain end. Fourth, it rescued from myth and fabrications those who were cognisant of the events of bygone times and the facts of cosmology, teaching them the real story of past events and the illuminating knowledge of the facts of creation. Thus did those four groups bow down before the Qur'an in astonishment and respect and become its students. None of them ever dared dispute with a single verse of it. 10
The revelation of an extraordinary book to the Prophet (saas), who had lived among them all his life, amazed the arrogant people and led them to hate him without cause. As a result, they did their best to harm him in every possible way. Although they saw that he was good both in his life and moral character, they conspired against him:
Those who slandered this good and blessed man were personal witnesses to his moral superiority. With their own eyes they saw the Prophet Muhammad's (saas) faithfulness to his promises, loyalty, justice, honesty, truthfulness, kindness to orphans and those in need, generosity, and interest in others. His excellent character and moral qualities always caught everyone's attention, and he was everyone's most trusted, beloved, and respected friend. Our Prophet's (saas) moral character could not be denied or ignored. His moral character, as described in the Qur'an, was pleasing to Allah, Who made him an example and guide to all people. According to Islamic sources, Nadr ibn al-Haris attempted to harm the Prophet (saas) with his words; later on, he met with the idolaters' leaders and told them: O Qurayshis, I swear that today you have encountered something that has never befallen you before. From early childhood, Muhammad was your most beloved, the greatest speaker of truth, and the one who achieved the greatest respect. When he was older and brought Allah's Book, you said that he was a magician. I swear that he is not a magician. We have seen many magicians and how they breathe on knots. You then called him a seer. I swear that neither is he a seer. How many seers have we seen and witnessed their speech? You called him a poet. I swear that he is not a poet. How many poems have we learned and seen their metre? You called him crazy. I swear that he is not crazy. Are there any signs of fainting, nonsense, or fits in him? O Qurayshis think well and decide…11
OUR PROPHETS (SAAS) EXCELLENT CHARACTER Prophet Muhammad (saas) is a blessed man and greatly honored in Allah's sight. Allah sent him to guide everyone to the right and made him great in the world; he had the kind of moral character that made him the most trustworthy of all human beings, and he was an example to others in his honesty. He was a messenger of Allah whose godliness, good moral character, and disposition were exemplary. His compassion, politeness, subtle understanding, trust in Allah, and patient determination make him a guide for all Muslims.
Ibrahim ibn Muhammad (ra), a grandson of Ali ibn Abu Talib (ra), relates the following information: Whenever Ali described the Messenger of Allah's (saas) noble features, he used to say: "He was the most generous and the most truthful person. He was the most kind-hearted person. Any person who saw him would suddenly become awed. Anyone who came into close contact with him and knew his excellent character loved him.
In his community, our Prophet (saas) was known as al-Amin (the Turstworthy). His face shed a noble light that convinced everyone who saw it of his honesty. Those who listened to their conscience while speaking with him understood that he was special; they saw many proofs that he was a prophet. He was intelligent and insightful and, due to his excellent character, even the hypocrites asked him to solve their disputes. Ibn Sa`d gave the following account, which he received from Ibn Asakir (ra), concerning the virtues and goodness that the Companions continually saw in our Prophet (saas):
Ibn Sa`d related the following from ibn Hashim (ra):
Ya`qub ibn Sufyan (ra) and al-Bayhaqi (ra) received the following from Ibn Shihab (ra): When the Quraysh rebuilt the Ka`bah, they began to argue who would lay the Black Stone (in its original position). Each tribe wished to lay it. Then they said: "Whoever comes from that road, let's appoint him to judge among us." The first to approach was Prophet Muhammad (saas), who was then still a young man. (According to reliable sources, he was thirty-five.) They appointed him arbiter. He said: "Bring a ground cloth." A ground cloth was brought. "Now put the stone on it together," he said. After the stone was placed on the cloth, he said: "Let the eldest man of each tribe come and hold one end of the cloth." They carried the stone to its place in that manner. He then went up and installed the stone he had taken from them. As he grew older, he attracted the love and respect of all. Because of the fame his honesty won him, he was known as al-Amin, the most trustworthy. This was before the revelation had descended upon him.15 Our Prophet (saas) spent his life guiding people to the right path, teaching his Companions and talking with the unbelievers in an attempt to direct them to the right way. As a result, simple Bedouins became good human beings shining with the light of faith. This was a great miracle. Besides his own moral goodness, our Prophet (saas) manifested many kinds of miraculous qualities that were witnessed not only by the Companions, but also by many unbelievers. His miracles were divine proofs to the believers and a means to faith and the right path. Given that he worked for twenty-three years, fought many battles, dealt with wicked and angry people, and was always in the vanguard of the struggle, it is miraculous that nothing untoward happened to him and that he was not murdered. His extraordinary determination and heroism increased all of his Companions' enthusiasm. It is also miraculous that he was able to plant the roots of the fear of and respect for Allah in his enemies' hearts and to defeat the unbelievers every time. Allah helped him in battle with angels and unseen armies, and so he could scatter hostile armies that were far larger and more powerful than his own:
Our Prophet (saas) proclaimed Islam very effectively and with determination. As a result, he endured great suffering. Even when he was offered a treasure to stop spreading Islam, he rejected this and many similar proposals. Always paramount in his mind was winning Allah's approval and working for the Muslims and Islam. He always hoped for Allah's help and believed that, with His help, he and the believers would eventually prevail. So, he was always under Allah's protection and never suffered any harm from the unbelievers:
The great Islamic scholar Imam al-Ghazzali gives an account of the Prophet's excellent moral character, based on the hadiths collected by al-Tirmidhi, al-Tabarani, Imam al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Imam Ahmad, Sunan Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah: The Prophet was the most patient of men, the bravest, the best judge, and one who pardoned most. He was the most charitable of men. He did not store up the provisions of his family members that Allah was pleased to give him for more than a year. What remained in excess, he used to give in sadaqah. He used to give away in sadaqah to those who begged anything of him, even out of his stored-up provisions. He used to speak the truth, even though it sometimes caused trouble both to himself and his Companions. He used to accept invitations to weddings, visit the sick and the diseased, and attend funerals. He was the most modest, without pride; his speech was most eloquent, without lengthiness. His constitution was the most beautiful. He even used to go to distant places to visit the sick, ... sit with the poor and destitute, eat with them, honor those possessing nobility, and advise them to do good deeds and show kindness to relatives. He did not treat anyone harshly and accepted the excuses offered to him. He joked, but spoke the truth. He held innocent sport and play as lawful, played with his wives and held races with them. He did not belittle the poor for their poverty nor show respect to the wealthy for their riches. He used to call people to Allah. 16
Our Prophet's (saas) Illiteracy
Muhammad (saas) was the illiterate prophet whose coming was foretold in the Old and New Testaments. When he began relaying the Qur'an to humanity, and until the end of his life, he could neither read nor write. This was one of the most important indications that he was a prophet. Although they knew that our Prophet (saas) was illiterate, the unbelievers accused him of writing it himself. In response, Allah revealed:
The Prophet relayed the Qur'an to humanity, always stating that it was "a revelation from Allah." He mentioned this fact constantly and reminded the people that they had known him for years before Allah blessed him with prophethood:
Despite his illiteracy, our Prophet (saas) delivered his religious message very effectively. He knew what was contained in the Old and New Testaments, and Allah gave him knowledge from other holy books and of long-ago societies. During his life, our Prophet (saas) manifested many other wonders. Imam al-Ghazzali writes about the miraculous proofs in his illiteracy: The character and conduct of the Prophet, his actions, his habits, management of affairs, his treatment of the different classes of people, his showing the straight path to them, his wonderful answers to different difficult and subtle questions, his untiring efforts for the good of people, his good guidance regarding the open laws of Shari'ah; all these matters lead one to the conclusion that these were beyond the power of a man without the help of an unseen hand. It is impossible on the part of a hypocrite or a liar. The people testified on seeing his constitution and qualifications that he was a great truthful man sent by Allah. Allah gave him these qualities though he was untaught and had no education and lived always among illiterate Arabs. Being untaught, an orphan and weak, how did he acquire such good character and conduct, such knowledge about Allah without worldly or other-worldly education? His true and correct knowledge about the earlier prophets, peace be upon them, shows that he is a true messenger of Allah, because he knew these truths by revelations. How could he know what was beyond man unless he received revelation? 17
The People of the Book knew for certain that the messenger whose coming was predicted in the Old and New Testaments would be illiterate. But the unbelievers spread the lie that our Prophet (saas) wrote the Qur'an himself, regardless of the ensuing inconsistencies in their words. Conflicting dates and differences in how a story is told will certainly come to the surface. Our Prophet (saas), who spoke with eloquence and wisdom, was the most honest, moderate, knowledgeable, and well-mannered man in his community. His intelligence and insight won the admiration and trust of everyone. Although he did not read the Old or the New Testament, he knew their contents and decrees, as well as the history of past societies, thanks to Allah's revelations. All of those who knew him were aware of this. Our Prophet (saas) had never gone to school to receive an education. Thus, the wisdom contained in the message he preached to his fellow Meccans and others is only one of the miraculous aspects of this blessed person:
The famous Islamic scholar Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti interprets this verse as follows: You did not read a book before this, in other words before the Qur'an. You did not write it with your own hand. Had that been so, had you been literate, the adherents of superstitions would have harbored doubts about you and would have said: "The prophet described in the Torah could not read and write."18 Although everything was so obvious, the unbelievers attacked him, told all sorts of lies about him, and said that he was a human being just like themselves:
But our Prophet (saas) asked for Allah's help and forgiveness, followed His Way, and obeyed His commands:
The Encyclopedia of Seerah tells how the great knowledge that Allah gave to the Prophet Muhammad (saas) is proof that he was His messenger: The Prophet Muhammad (saas) was untaught; he could not read or write. Throughout his life the members of the family he grew up in, those close to him, and the people of Mecca never saw him touch a book nor hold a pen. Therefore, the Qur'an, the sea of knowledge revealed to him, is a unique miracle. That is because the text contains treasures of information such as the main subject matter of all previous divine scriptures, stories of previous prophets, religions and their beliefs, ancient history, civilisation, culture and economics, politics and moral values. … The way that, despite being untaught himself, he appeared before the unbelievers with a Book is in any case the greatest proof of his prophethood. 19 Some Jewish scholars recognize our Prophet (saas)
Jews and Christians, described in the Qur'an as "People of the Book," have some certain corruptions in their beliefs and practices. However, they still follow a religion sent down by Allah. Allah says that the Qur'an was sent down to confirm other holy books:
Another verse relates that some Jewish scholars knew the Qur'an:
In his work Al-Asas fi al-Tafsir, the famous Qur'anic commentator Imam Said Hawa states: It is certain that the Qur'an existed in earlier books. In other words, it is referred to in earlier scriptures, or the senses it contains were transmitted by the prophets of other communities and were present in their books in the manner revealed by Allah, as can be seen in Divine texts. …Moderate and honest Jewish scholars know that the Tawrah, Psalms, and Injil contain the contents of the Qur'an; that every element in it is the truth from Allah; and that this is the last book and the last prophet of whom the earlier scriptures speak. 20
Jewish and Christian scholars therefore immediately recognized Muhammad (saas) as the foretold illiterate prophet (no matter how much they did not want to accept this truth). The Qur'an tells us that the People of the Book will recognize our Prophet (saas) as they know their own children, but that some will rebel in spite of this and that those who do not believe in him will be disappointed:
Allah warns the Israelites in Surat al-Baqarah:
The only way that our Prophet (saas) could have known of these blessings and the vows they had made to Allah was if the Lord had told him. When the Prophet Muhammad (saas) recited these verses, the wise men of the Israelites recognized him as the messenger for whom they had been waiting. The People of the Book knew who he was and that he spoke the truth due to his way of life and moral character. Allah relates in the Qur'an:
The famous Islamic scholar Omer Nasuhi Bilmen interprets this verse as follows: This verse reveals that those possessed of the most distinguished qualities, the best deeds and excellences in this world and the Hereafter, are the followers of the Khatam al-Anbiya' (the Last Prophet): those who follow the Prophet Muhammad (saas)– to whom the Divine Book, in which the knowledge of the past and future are contained, was revealed, though he read nothing from anyone and wrote nothing – achieve the honor of being of his community. He is referred to by name or by his characteristics in the Tawrah and the Injil. There can be no doubt that he is present in name and in his characteristics in these books. If such were not written in those books, would the Prophet Muhammad (saas) claim to be [referred to] and thus give grounds for his rejection? He is such a great Prophet that he commands and advises those whom he calls to faith, all humanity, to respect and honor the commands of Allah, to acquire proper belief and morality, and to show affection to creatures (and he forbids the wrong). 21 As we can see, the fact that his coming and the qualities of this blessed person were foretold to the People of the Book is another of the miracles associated with him. Those Jews and Christians who, with faith and common sense, used their conscience to consider what they saw have confirmed this evident truth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Islamic center list in Korea (klick on organization name for more Information)
Korea Muslim Federation, Seoul, korea(republic) URL: Phone: 82 2-793-6908 |
Busan Al-Fatah Masjid busan, Pusan, South Korea Phone: 0082-051-518-9991 |
AISHA INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CO., LTD., Seoul, SEOUL Phone: 82-2-489-5213 |
Seoul Central Mosque, Seoul, Yongsan Ku Phone: 82-02-733-4448 |
International Muslim Student Association of Korea, Seoul |
HARAMAIN INT CO LTD, Seoul, incheon Phone: 0082-10-5895-0786 |
Jeju islamic cultural center, Jeju Island, korea URL: Phone: 064-712 1215 |
Korea muslim federation Pusan branch, Pusan, Korea(south) Phone: 051-518 9991 |
Masjid Umar Bin Khattab, Gwangju, Cholla-Namdo URL: Phone: 062-972-5136 |
Jeju branch of Korea Muslim Federation, Jeju, jejudo URL: Phone: 064-712 1215 |
Mosque List in Hongkong
Madrassah In Hong Kong |
Mosque | Address |
Tel. (852) |
Fax (852) |
Sponsoring Body |
Contact Person |
Remark |
Class Schedule |
Kowloon Mosques and Islam Centre | 105 Nathan Road, TST, Kowloon. | 27240095 | 27242661 | Imam Suaibu Noohu / Iman Muzzafar | 8:30a.m.-11:00a.m. 1:00p.m.- 6:00p.m. | ||
Masjid Ammar & Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre | 40 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong | 25752218 | 28345409 | Qari Attiq - ur- Rehman
| |||
Chai Wan Mosque | Chai Wan, Hong Kong | 25565507 | | Imam Tufail |
| 11:00a.m. -3:00p.m. | |
Stanley Mosque | Stanley, Hong Kong | 2980 3011 | Incorporated Trustees of the Islamic Community Fund of HK | ||||
Sham Shui Po KNM Islamic Education Centre | 1/F., 320-322 Sham Shui Po,Kln. | 2729 1644 | 2440 4746 |
| MTR:Sham Shui Po Station | ||
Madressa-Tul -Madinah | 3/F., 31 Sheung Heung Rd., To Kwa Wan, Kln. | 2624 5786 |
| Imam Muhammad Anis | 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. | ||
Kwun Tong KNM Islamic Education Centre
| 2/F., Back- 2 Yue Man Square | 2357 0900 |
| Hafiz Tahir Iqbal | MTR:Kwun Tong Station Exit A1 | 8:00a.m. -10:35a.m 2:00 p.m.- 6:30p.m.
| |
Prayer Room of City University | City University of Hong Kong, F7, Room 7226, Amenities Building, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, kowloon | 3442 6900 | 2628 2901 | ||||
Kwai Chung KNM Islamic Education Centre
| M/F., 440 Castle Peak Rd., Ming Tak Bldg., Ping Fu Path, Kwai Chung,N.T. | 2424 6662 |
| Hafiz Maqsood |
| ||
Kwai Chung Madressa
| Hoover Court 2nd Mez. Fl., 33 Tai Pak Tin St., Kwai Chung, N.T. | 2619 1246 |
| Idara Minhajul Quran HK | Iman Muhd. Naseem Imam Tanveer Shah
| |
Madressa Faizan-e-Madinah | M/F., 75 Ho Pui St., Tsuen Wan, N.T. | 3145 1557 |
| Imam Muhammad Anis |
| ||
Madressa Kanz-ul-Eman
| A7-8 Brilliant Garden Tuen Mun, N.T. | 2618 4786 |
| Imam Muhammad Shakeel ( Hafiz Shehzed) | KCR:Siu Hong Station Exit A LRT:Fung Tei Station BUS: Wan Chai Ferry Pier B/T 960 | Sat. & Sun. 2:00-4:30p.m.
Other days 4:00-6:00p.m. Fri. off | |
Tuen Mun KNM Islamic Education Centre | D.D.130, Lot555 FU Hang Rd., To Yuen Wai, Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun
| 2461 7178 | 24404746 | Khatme-Nubuwwat Movement Hong Kong | Hafiz Sajid | Sat. & Sun. 8:00a.m. -10:00a.m. Other days 4:00-7:00p.m. Fri. off
| |
Yuen Long Madressa | 1/F.,No.44 Tai Tong Road, Yuen Long | 2474 3499 | Pakistan Islamic Welfare Union of HK | Qari Abdul Rehman | Mon-Fri 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m. Sat. 3:00p.m.-5:00p.m. | ||
Tseung Kwan O | Imam Bashir | 5:00p.m. - 7:30p.m. | |||||
Islamic Centre for Community Service | G/F., Yan Ying House Tin Yan Estate Tin Shui Wai
| 3543 2786 | Pakistan Islamic Welfare Union of HK | Qari Ramzan |
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